The Arts

The Copper Country Intermediate School District has long been a supporter of quality arts programs for students in the Copper Country.

Beginning with the Suzuki and Orff programs in the late sixties to today’s All School Musicals, the CCISD has a history of collaboration with the local schools, universities, and area arts organizations. In this time of shrinking revenue, collaboration has become more important than ever in order to sustain arts opportunities for students.


Local school districts contribute to a pool of money that supports performances and residencies at the Rozsa Center and the Calumet Theatre. Performances are linked to the curriculum through study guides. CCISD Arts funding is a match for Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs grants to support the All School Musical and other programs.


The Class Acts series at the Rozsa Center features at least one performance for elementary, middle school and high school aged students during the school year.

For more information you can visit the Rozsa Center Web site or contact the Coordinator at Email Classacts

The Calumet Theatre sponsors school programs such as The Missoula Children’s Theatre, the All School Musical, and The Big Top Chattauqua. The Theatre was also one of the founding partners of the All School Musical. For more information on the Theatre and school performances go to

The all-school musical was originated in 1998 as a collaboration among the Copper Country ISD, the Calumet Players and the Calumet Theatre. Musicals are performed every other year. Funding has been provided by grants from the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs, CCISD Gifted and Talented Funds, and arts funding from the local schools. The musicals are mostly self sustaining from revenue generated by admissions.

Past musicals have been The Sound of Music, Damn Yankees, Oklahoma, and Cinderella. The musical’s drama director has been affiliated with the Calumet Players and its musical director is a local music teacher.

The technical theatre expertise is supplied by Calumet Players members. Students make up the cast, orchestra, and additional members of the crew. For more information about the musical, contact Sara Perfetti at 296-6681.