Request for Proposal / Bid Auction
Copper Country Intermediate School District (CCISD) coordinates educational activities between the State of Michigan and its 14 local member school districts in Houghton, Keweenaw, and Baraga Counties. CCISD looks to vendors to offer innovative products and services which CCISD can coordinate and consolidate cost effectively to its member districts. Vendors that have innovative products that can be scaled into this environment are encouraged to respond to these Requests for Proposals.
CCISD looks forward to forging partnerships and offering educational opportunities which are leading edge and deserving of its students and the new millennium environment which they will face.
Our office is responsible for the purchasing of goods and services in keeping with the laws of the State of Michigan and the purchasing policies of CCISD. Our goal is to spend funds in the best way possible in support of improving the educational experience at CCISD.