Multi Tiered System of Support

The Copper Country Intermediate School District's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a data-driven approach that provides all students with the exact learning support they need.

It works in tiers, offering universal high-quality instruction, then targeted interventions for struggling students and enrichment activities for advanced learners. By constantly monitoring progress and adjusting support, MTSS helps every child succeed, from those facing challenges to those excelling. It's like a personalized learning map, guiding each student on their unique path to achievement.

What is MTSS?

We are integrated with Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative to develop structures for supporting our districts in the implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Supports.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) are a framework to provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed academically and behaviorally in school.

MTSS focuses on:

  • Providing high quality instruction and interventions matched to student need.

  • Monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals.

  • Using data to allocate resources to improve student learning.

  • Supporting staff implementation of effective practices.



MTSS Implementation Team



Sierra Bishop

MTSS Specialist / MTSS Co-Coordinator

Kristen Kariainen

Literacy Coach / MTSS Co-Coordinator

Jennifer Beaudette

Early Childhood Supervisor

Lynnette Borree

School Psychologist

Dayna Browning

Project Aware Manager

Angie Emblad

Math Coach

Christine Etter

School Psychologist

Elizabeth Genter

School Psychologist

Sherri Heikkinen

School Social Worker

Heidi Knuuttila

Literacy Coach

Jennifer Lynn

3P Learning/Continuous Improvement Consultant

Natalie Morgan

Mental Health Services Coordinator

Heather Mroz

Behavior Support Specialist

Kristina Penfold

Director of Special Education

Kaitlin Purdy

School Psychologist

Andrea Raasio

School Psychologist

Carla Strome

Director of General Education

Shauna Wunrow

Behavior Support Specialist